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Legacy Fund

Our Vision for the Future

At The Love Trust, we believe in creating a world where children receive quality values-based education as an instrument of hope and the right foundation for a future free of poverty and a more equal society. Your support has been instrumental in our journey thus far, and now we invite you to be a part of our future in a way that will endure for generations to come by joining us in the creation of the Love Trust Legacy Fund.

Join us and create your legacy today

Become a part of a group of visionary supporters who have committed to a future where The Love Trust continues to make a profound difference. By including The Love Trust in your estate plans, you are making a profound commitment to the education of the future generation that will serve as a foundation for lasting change.

Our Fundraising team is here to help you find the method that best reflects your philanthropic goals and financial needs.

For more information and to discuss your Love Trust Legacy Fund contribution, please contact o the the details below or complete the contact form.

Erik van den Top – CEO
+27 79 761 6657  /

Charmaine Gola  –  Director of Fundraising
+27 76 782 4389  /

Complete the form and we will contact you